Tag Archives: GoldMoney.com

Investment strategy

I like being right, I usually am right and I don’t like to explain myself to or argue with people who think they know better. Since I’m also lazy I’ve decided to just give you my investment strategy without any lengthy justification. Take it or leave it.

Making money

If you don’t mind being (called) a speculator this is what you can do to make a lot of money in the coming years:

  1. buy gold (physical coins/bars, GoldMoney.com, various ETFs, RCGLDAOPEN on GPW in Poland)
  2. buy silver (physical coins/bars, GoldMoney.com, various ETFs, RCSILAOPEN on GPW in Poland)
  3. buy precious metals mining stocks (e.x. KGHM on GPW in Poland)
  4. buy agricultural commodities
  5. buy agriculture and agriculture related stocks (e.x. Astarta and Synthos on GPW in Poland)
  6. buy Thorium and Uranium mining stocks
  7. buy BTC (BitCoin) or invest in a BitCoin earning business
  8. buy stocks of companies investing in Africa
  9. few more speculative investments…

Losing money

Remember, don’t be a sucker, don’t lend money, hence avoid:
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Filed under Economy, Education, English, Investment